Part 86: I get to have my fun with surprises SOMETIMES, my princess.
-Commercial City of Bose-

They certainly got to it quickly. It only happened yesterday.

Yes, Maybelle's throwing herself into it.

She's already sent aid to Ravennue as well, or so I heard. Everyone's doing their best, even through their fear.

I've heard word from Grancel, as well, and Grandmother has issued a proclamation.

She has stated that the government will respond immediately to the threat of the dragon and will send aid to the affected areas.

That's our queen! Awesome!

Heh. I can think of certain lords and ministers of Erebonia who could stand to learn from such an example. They're far more interested in attending fancy parties than addressing the concerns of the citizenry.

Ironically, I could say a lot of the same for the Republic. Half the time, our politicians seem to spend so much time dancing around each other that they never get anything done.

Haha, well, it may help that we're such a small country.

Regardless...Preparations for the plan against the dragon should be almost complete.

Time to go see what the Royal Army can do, then!

So we should just head for the landing port, I guess, right?

Yes, you're scheduled to depart at 10:00 AM at Port No. 1. It's about nine now, so you should have time to pick up some supplies.


Won't that be a little difficult with the market, er, in the state it's in?

The market's merchants have been put up in the hotel for now. They're still open for business, seemingly, so you should be able to pick up some necessities there.

Hmmhmm. Nothing like persistence.

It would be wise to visit them before we head for the landing port.

Maybelle, hi.

Wow. Looks like they've already started work.

Yes, thanks to the aid of the citizenry, we've been able to start construction a lot sooner than I expected. I've also sent all the aid I can muster to Ravennue. It seems we've finally gotten past the worst of it all.

It's good that things are settling down, at least.

So,'s, um, Lila?

Lila's...Lila hasn't changed since yesterday. The only thing we can do is wait for the medicine to take effect and...pray, really...

Oh...Er, sorry.

Not at all. Simply fretting by her bedside won't fix anything. For the moment, I'm of the opinion that the best thing I can do is fulfill my duty as mayor.

After all, Lila would be quite put out with me if she knew I was wasting time worrying about her.

Yeah, she definitely would. We'll do what we can, too.

It's all in your hands. Good luck!
Sister Rosa: Her condition is stable, but Lila still isn't regaining consciousness. The medicine I received from Father Holstein doesn't seem to be having any effect...All we can do now is pray for Her mercy.
Barlowe: At the moment, our hotel is open for the merchants of the market to use as a temporary store front. Mmmm, it almost has the atmosphere of a little department store.
Lore: Anyway, I'm really relieved to see my wife and son are uninjured.

I-I'm the Imperial ambassador! How dare they delay me!
Libro: Really, I gotta tip my hat to the spirit of mutual assistance that the merchants of Bose have at a time like this. It's because we work hand in hand like this that we were able to recover from the flames of war.
Minuet: Apparently the Royal Army's preparing for a plan to capture the dragon. When I was a kid, I was taught that dragons're holy, though. Won't the Goddess punish us for capturing one?
The news is all about the latest hot celebrity. Typical.
Receptionist Ted: The army airship you'll be boarding will be docking soon. You're to go meet it at Dock One, to the right.

We should have enough time to visit the merchants if we need anything. What do you want to do, Estelle?

Let's just go ahead and wait for the ship to arrive.

Yes, one of our guard airships. They make up most of our military ships, so I'd imagine that's what we'll be on.

Mmm. The typical Royal Army guard airship is usually well rounded--strong firepower, a large load capacity and good mobility...

Though that's what I know from ten years ago. They've been upgraded some since their initial deployment, correct?

Yes, in addition to giving them better armor and engines and such, we have specialized the ships by varying their equipment.

Patrol craft, scout craft, attack craft...The principle--at least as I understand it--is to ensure the squadrons are flexible by giving each one mission-specific equipment.

Just what I'd expect from the country that invented airship warfare.

We have airship 'squadrons' in Calvard, but they're nothing more than showboats, really.

Heh. The Empire is little different.

We use airship squadrons, but the Empire's strength has always lain in its cavalry divisions--our tanks, in this age.
Woman's Voice: Attention please, a Royal Army vessel will be landing at Port 1 momentarily. All non-affiliated personnel, please refrain from entering Port 1.

Hey, here we go!

Er, huh? I don't think I've heard this engine sound before.

Oh, my...That's...

-Pride of Liberl-

Sooooo...we're gonna be riding the Arseille.

Julia didn't mention this at all when I spoke with her last night...
Man's Voice: Yo, Estelle!
Girl's Voice: Hiiiii, everybody! Long time no see!

Is that...?

Heheh. We seem to have a habit of meeting in the strangest damn places.

Esteeelle! Everyone! It's so great to see you again!

Wh-Wh-Wh...Why are Nial and Dorothy on the Arseille?!
Woman's Voice: Allow me to explain. awful tease! Why didn't you tell me last night that you'd be coming in the Arseille?

Haha. I get to have my fun with surprises SOMETIMES, my princess. My apologies if I startled you.

Ohhh, Julia.

I take it that, if you're using the Arseille, it's part of Grandmother's plan?

Just so.

Er. What's Her Majesty got to do with this?

If the famous, cutting-edge Arseille gets involved, those living in fear of the dragon may have their concerns eased...

I believe that is her thinking.

Oh, good idea.

Ah, Queen Alicia continues to impress!

The reporters are, I assume, along for the very same reason?

Yeah, pretty much. The whole damn country's losing it over this dragon thing. Looks like they're hoping us humble reporters can produce a little something to calm the masses.

Mr. Burns, remember...

I know, I know. I won't give away any state secrets.

I AM gonna be pokin' my head around to some extent, though. I ain't writin' straight propaganda, here.

...As you wish.
Older Man's Voice: Hmph. On time for once, I see.

General, allow me to express our thanks for allowing us aboard.

Well, Her Majesty's opinion helped.

Let me be clear on this upfront so there's no misunderstanding. You bracers are nothing more than observers on this mission. All you'll be allowed to do is watch as we execute the plan.

I'm fine with that. If the army can settle things, I sure won't complain!

I look forward to seeing what you can do, General.

Hmph. Very well.

Your Highness, please, this way. We shall accompany you to the bridge.


We cannot allow the princess to board as a mere passenger on her own airship. It would affect the crew's morale, Your Highness.

...Very well.

I wish he'd just accept that us 'dumb civvy bracers' are, you know, something approaching competent.

Haha. The general is a hard-headed, old-school sort of man. I doubt he'll ever change his opinions quickly. Allow me to lead you aboard the ship.

And on that note. Allow me to finally welcome you properly, as allies and friends of long standing! Welcome aboard the Arseille, flagship of the Royal Guard and Liberl!

We shoulda headed out a bit earlier...

Ah, well. We'll leave the dragon-watching to the rest of the gang.


But, but...Awwwww. I wanted to ride the Arseille...

C'mon, shortstuff. There's more to life than gawkin' at machines.

Aww, but there's so much to see! An engine room with eight of the new model engines...A next-generation bridge with all the best information-processing equipment...

It'd be a dreeeeam...

For the...Your eyes're lit up like candles.


But still, Agate. What do we do now?

Good question...

Well, first off, I'm gonna need a new greatsword if I want to keep bein' the Heavy Blade.

Oh, right. Yeah, I guess you can't really repair a sword that gets broken that badly.

Yeah, gonna have to buy a new one.

Let's go order one at the weapon store in the South Block.
Young Man's Voice: Agate!

You're the receptionist here, aren't you?
Receptionist Ted: Ah, looks like you didn't make it in time. I can try to raise the Arseille on the radio if you want.

Nah, that's okay.

So you came out here just to see if I'd caught the flight?
Receptionist Ted: That too, but...We actually just got a rush delivery on the flight last night, with your name on it. I just found it.

A rush delivery for me?
Receptionist Ted: Yeah, a small package. Return address says 'Russell'...


F-From Grandpa?!
-A Lurking Shadow in the Wilderness-

Well, then, Allow me to explain Operation Dragon Capture.

This operation will be conducted primarily by the airship force. Our ground divisions will focus solely on keeping order in all regions during the operation.

Wait, all the regions? So we're going beyond Bose for this.

Possibly not by our choice. Last night's events showed that the dragon's capacity for flight is...significant. It is very possible that it will move to another region at some point.

Yeah, good point...

The plan will involve twelve airships in total, including the Arseille. Which is to say, it involves two-fifths of our entire fleet. The rest will be held in reserve.

Two-fifths of the entire fleet...That's enough power to...

Enough power to give our friend quite a reception, hmm?




This is a map of the mission plan?

Yes, precisely.

The Arseille is currently cruising in Bose airspace.

We shall be using the Arseille as the flagship and command vessel for this operation. The actual 'dragon patrol' will be carried out by...

...eight patrol ships equipped with wide-area radar. If the dragon so much as raises its head above the tree line, they will be able to find it.

Then, once the dragon is found...

Ships will give chase at high speed and use their rapid fire artillery to check the dragon and guide it over Lake Valleria.

At the same time, several patrol vessels armed with tranquilizer rounds will be scrambled from Leiston Fortress.

Once the dragon is pinned, they will intercept it. They will fire every tranquilizer round they have and sink the creature.

Well, this is...certainly a bit larger-scale than most guild operations.

If the tranquilizers don't work, I'm guessing you'll switch to live ammunition?

Yes...In that case, we'll have to destroy the dragon with concentrated fire from all ships. Her Majesty has asked us to prioritize capture over destruction...but we are ready for every contingency.

Huh? Why would Queen Alicia want the dragon alive?

Dragons are creatures of myth, oldest legends. She said she could not bear to have it slain.

I can understand that...Especially since the dragon is under the society's control.

Yeah, good point.

W-Wait, that's right! That Lorence, er, Leonhardt, er, whoever-he-is guy! He had a Gospel! That'd mean--

Yes...The Orbal Shutdown Phenomenon.

According to Professor Russell, the maximum range of the effect is roughly five arge. All ships have orders to get no closer than ten arge to the dragon. As long as we do that, there should not be a problem.

Most impressive, General. You do seem prepared for everything.

Hmph. We learned quite a bit from the Hundred Days War.

And should this plan somehow fail entirely, we will be left wanting for options. Should that come to pass, we will be relying on you.

It's nice of you to say that, but, uh...

Why do I get the impression you think this plan is foolproof and invincible?

Heh. Of course. If this plan has a problem, it's that we have to wait for the dragon to show its face.

Well, that's a question...What do we do if the dragon doesn't show up?

Given how Ouroboros has behaved up to this point, I find it unlikely they'll keep it hidden.

They'll want to use that dragon to do something.

They probably will, won't they...

Well then, bracers. Once we've found the dragon, we will announce it over the comm. Until then, please, make yourselves at home.